Yesterday I changed things up a lil bit. We went out looking for speckle trout and were able to put a few in the box . With the wind picking up and stirring the water up I took the crew to see if we could catch a few big boys . It turned out to be a good plan with lines screaming within mins of putting the baits in the water.
I’m booking trips daily so if you’d like to come out and enjoy the back water fishing of the New Orleans Marsh and Bayous feel free to give me a call with any questions or to schedule your charter today.
New Orleans Style Fishing Charters we don’t just go fishing we make memories!
Captains are US Coast Guard Licensed.
Fully Insured
LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Licensed
New Orleans Style Fishing Charters – Capt Jason Shilling
5057 Kenal Road
Suite 100
Lafitte, LA 70067
(504) 416-5896
Fishing Charters In New Orleans