Family Fun Fishing for reds

Family Fun Fishing for reds

Fishing has always been a family oriented fun activity that everyone can enjoy. Over the years of being a fishing guide in New Orleans I’ve taken out plenty of families on either their first or one of many fishing trips together . Bonds are made , competitions...
Winter Red Fish in New Orleans

Winter Red Fish in New Orleans

November fishing can be some of the finest fishing in New Orleans, with the cooler temperatures and feisty fish. Down South Louisiana our winters tend to be mild (40’s-60’s) so fishing is a very big part of our way of life in the winter. The Speckle trout...
Summer Fun Fishing Redfish

Summer Fun Fishing Redfish

Summer is in full swing and the fishing has been up to par for the month. June is always a good fishing month with the weather warmer and the bait present. The red fish have been hungry and cooperative for everyone. The redfish have been averaging 16”-22”...